Connecting to PlanetScale

  1. Open the connections page in preferences, see managing connections for more information.
  2. Click the Add new Connection button at the top of the connections page.
  3. Select MySQL from the list (PlanetScale uses the MySQL driver).

  1. Give a Connection name for your own internal reference.
  2. For Hostname, enter the hostname of your database server.
  3. For Port, use the default 3306, or enter the port used by your server.
  4. For Database, enter the name of your database.
  5. For Username and Password, enter the username and password from PlanetScale. These are optional.
  6. Toggle connection type for direct or cloud.
  7. Share the connection with your team.
  8. Enable SSL. PlanetScale requires SSL, but you can leave the certificates blank to use the default Debian OS certificate.
  9. (Optional) Configure SSH settings.
  10. Hit Connect and you're all set!

Happy querying! 🍭

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